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基本英语(英语:Basic English)是一種人工語言,它基於英語的一種簡化版本而產生,由查尔斯·凯·奥格登創造。在他於1930年所出版的《基本英语——规则和语法的一般约定》一書中有詳細的介紹。





basic English (english: basic english) is a not natural language, which is based on a made-simple account of the English-generated, made come into existence by Charles Kay Ogden. In 1930 he put into print "basic English - rules of language rules and general agreement," a book described in detail.

Ogden said: "To learn English for seven years, seven months to learn Esperanto, while learning basic English as long as seven weeks." as an outcome of that, businesses will be hard to get clearly but has need of the use of complete instruments write basic english; and language schools for the short word will make able students to learn simple english, and do teaching to basic english.

Ogden does not copy the that is of the word, and the need for all countries to send in name for these words. He took more chances of much testing and tuning to get these words. In rules of language, he also did a made-simple, but kept in mind the English common use.

After World War Ii, began this simple-making has in it "giving help to earth peace" idea of a quality common to a group. however, needing payment to existence without of idea, the development of a made-simple account of different places use. today, there are 850 basic English words as one who starts's English range of words word widely put out on top in the earth, especially the most pleasing to all in Asia.
